$0.010 per GB - regional data transfer - in/out/between EC2 Avail Zones or when using public/elastic IP addresses or ELB我不理解这个是什么意思, 在EC2的详细说明里面是这么解释的:
Public and Elastic IP and Elastic Load Balancing Data Transfer我当时没看明白,也想不到我什么样的流量属于这一类型。刚才在检查自己一个域名,这个域名的一个A记录就是我在EC2上的因特网IP。我是SSH到EC2上,然后在里面w3m mydoma.in的,这样不就正好符合上面说在EC2网络里面用公用IP访问EC2吗?还有通过EC2上的VPN访问其它EC2上的内容,像Twitter这样使用AWS的网站上放在AWS上的那部分,也属于此类流量。终于明白这条收费的含义和来源了。
$0.01 per GB in/out – If you choose to communicate using your Public or Elastic IP address or Elastic Load Balancer inside of the Amazon EC2 network, you’ll pay Regional Data Transfer rates even if the instances are in the same Availability Zone. For data transfer within the same Availability Zone, you can easily avoid this charge (and get better network performance) by using your private IP whenever possible.
Total Charges due on March 1, 2011 $0.01可能单子太小就免了。我搜索了到一个帖子,一个用户看到有免单,希望亚马逊能够把小额单子累计起来再收费,"以免用户感到内疚":
Amount forgiven March 6, 2011 -0.01
It's not like I really mind not being billed这人境界真是高啊。我想的是怎么少交钱,他想的是怎么多交钱。:), but still I feel a bit guilty about that.
I think a right solution for small transaction would be to round up an amount and charge in advance -- say, $1 or $5 or $10, whatever makese sense... This was Amazon can avoid doing these small transactions and users won't feel guilty